John B God

Have you heard of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya? About British concentration camps in Kenya? About "sanders" - desert snipers? Do you know about the World Cultural Heritage Lamu? Or Iten - the long-range world Mecca? Do you know that there are at least 42 different indigenous languages in Kenya? Have you heard of the El Molo people; the smallest ethnic group in Kenya? Have you heard of the Tsavu Man Eaters? Or about The Ghost and The Darkness? Are you familiar with Envaitenet – The island from which no one returns? Have you ever heard about the "Nightrunners" sect haunting Kenya? Do you know how to stop the large-scale poaching in Kenya? Do you know the Mungiki - a criminal, secret sect that usually chops off the heads of its victims and is said to eat human flesh? What do you know about al-Shabaab in Kenya? Africa is still a relatively unknown continent for many northerners. Although we have seen most of the animals and nature on TV and occasionally receive reports of unrest, war and famine through the media, few in the Nordic countries really know anything about the continent; what it's like to live in different parts of Africa. I travelled to Africa for the first time in 2004, and then it was Mali and the rich West African music that attracted me. That visit to Africa gave me a taste for more, and two years later I went to Kenya. Life in Kenya attracted me. I was back the following year, and in 2008 I moved for the first time into Kibera, one of the world's most famous slums. Since then, I have lived in Kibera for three to six months every year, with the exception of 2020-21 when, due to Coronan, I was stuck in Kenya for over a year. Now I have put together a lecture where I can tell about Kenya from perspectives that few others can, and as a photographer and storyteller I have created a journey through time and space in an entertaining lecture that will hopefully give a much more multifaceted picture of Africa in general and Kenya in particular. Kenya's political history Geography of Kenya Kenya's energy supply Turkana Envaitenet Maasai Mara Lamu Mombasa Norad - Norway's failed aid project in Kenya. Johan B. Löfquist is a photographer, journalist and artist, and has lived in Kibera, one of the world's most famous slums, for more than fifteen years.
196 Articles

The Memory Hole

"The memory hole My memory is unusually short. Or rather selectively; I…

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Om att ge tillbaka till samhället.

"Familjen hade det oerhört fattigt; många gånger var det tack vare grannarnas…

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Politikermelodram i Norge.

"Filter Nyheter snokade snart fram att Bertheussen vid tre tillfällen på åttiotalet…

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En resa mellan ytterligheter.

"Nu har myndigheterna skövlat längs järnvägen genom Kibera. Flera av mina vänner…

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Omollo Catwalk long version catwalk in the garden, with fashion made by the Kenyan designer…

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Lindas Salon

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Rapport från Östafrika.

"Nästa månad öppnas skolorna här i Kenya, men det är under nya…

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Tillvaron hårdnar i Kibera

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Ur minnesarkivet.

"Fredrik berättade bland annat om oroligheter inom Sveriges Radio; att det var…

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Kibera, augusti, i Coronans år 2020.

"Under dagarna de målade väggen satt det såväl vuxna som barn och…

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Den ofrivillige kattvärden.

"I början gick det bra; hon kom och åt, jag kelade med…

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Koka soppa på en sten.

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"Jag har beklagat på att det bara är bilder på blommor och…

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”Nu finns det säkert många läsare som ryser; som aldrig skulle kunna…

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Om död, blommor och rökt kyckling.

"Richie, denna för mig ovärderliga informationskälla, berättade om Nairobis enda gym som…

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Om gardiner, juju och sånt.

"Förfadern brukar peka på flygplan på himlen och skämta om hur den…

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Skrock och skrymt i Kenya.

"Dagen därpå hängde Moroko och Richie vid biltvätten i området när plötsligt…

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Regnperiod och lockdown.

"En hyresvärd, Michael Munene, insåg att det skulle bli problem för hans…

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Isolerad i Kiberas slum

"Ännu så länge märks det inte så mycket av Coronaköret här i…

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Våldtäktsvåg i nattens mörker.

"I går morse var det återigen ett himla oväsen från skolgården intill…

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I väntan på lockdown?

"Den senaste rapporten här i Kenya visar att man funnit 142 smittade…

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